Saturday, August 30, 2008

(25) A portrait of a martyr, are you in the picture?

Fr Thomas with his friends while studying theology in Pune.


പുതിയ കേരളം പുതിയ ഭൂമി said...
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പുതിയ കേരളം പുതിയ ഭൂമി said...

I do remember those days, Thomas.. where we played together soccer at Dharmaram (our major seminary). I cannot forget your ever smiling face.. My prayers goes with you.. even though my heart is really heavy as I pen this.. Jaison Mulerikkal CMI

Fr Sony Sebastian Palathra CMI said...

Hello Jaison,
Great that you paid homage to him and penned it here. I believe that an indefinite prayer chain may be developed and sustained for Fr Thomas and also beginning to intercede to him.